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Unregistered contractor consequences

By February 9, 2016March 4th, 2021L & I, Worker’s Compensation

I won’t make any bones about the fact that I am critical of our state’s workers’ compensation program, and the administration thereof. That being said, the agency that handles workers’ comp also handles some other aspects of labor in Washington, and I am happy to give credit and even applause where due.

“King County unregistered contractor must repay elderly victim more than $31,000.”

This quick news release gives an example of the Department of Labor and Industries’ efforts to hold accountable unscrupulous contractors who prey on our community’s more vulnerable members. I would be remiss not to shoehorn in an argument that I’d like to see more attention paid to efforts like this, and less time and money spent on fighting legitimate claims for injured workers, but I digress.

So many of us think that we’re smarter than the average bear, and can sniff out the phonies and the fraudsters. We have to remember, however, when we pay our L&I premiums and yes, our taxes, we’re paying to protect not only ourselves, but our loved ones too; our parents and grandparents, the nice lady down the street who hands our kids full-sized candy bars on Halloween — they need and deserve protection too.

We should remember to use the tools we have. Next time you’re considering hiring a contractor, go to to make sure they’re legit, and report those who aren’t. Hopefully by doing so, the ones who may have otherwise scammed our friends, family and neighbors won’t get the chance.