Well, that was quite a 2020. We’re so thankful for the opportunity to virtually provide our clients with the help they deserved. Onward to 2021! We have loads to look forward to.
But first, some things we learned in 2020:
- The power of family is incomparable
- Getty your hands dirty can be therapeutic
- Popcorn and a movie is a perfectly acceptable way to spend a Saturday afternoon (even if the dishes and clothes are not done)
- Having a dog is not the worst thing a person can do – in fact, being ok with massive amounts of husky hair clung to your clothes can be cathartic
Haircuts at the barbers are for chumps - An unplanned adventure is sometimes the best
- A new appreciation for our clients and what they are going through
What we’re looking forward to this year:
- Trials in person (seeing the person we’re deposing, the jury, etc.)
- Meeting new clients prior to signing
- Meeting client’s families (one of the best parts of our job and part of our “why”)
- Resuming Friday office barbeques (duh)
- Meeting with other attorney’s over a beverage to talk cases (to learn or settle)
- Handshakes
We’ve been working hard behind the scenes this past year and will have a fun announcement in February. Stay tuned!
We wish you all the best this year,
Chris and Rich